Fake News or just the normal Utter Bollocks

OK this is going to be just a spontaneous rant, but I just read a article on the BBC entitled “How fake news plagued 2017“. The piece then goes on to highlight a series of major ‘fake news’ stories that occurred this year.

And where does this article take all these supposed ‘fake news’ examples from? Fucking Twatter and Fecesbook! Facebook and Twitter are not news sources, so it’s not fake news. Continue reading →

AI Singularity? Never Going to Happen

Artificial intelligence singularity, ‘singularity’ presumably borrowed from cosmology, is the inevitable point at which artificial intelligence (AI) becomes equivalent to, and then goes on to surpass, human intelligence (HI). Most scientists and technology experts seem to have little doubt that this will happen soon, most likely in the next 50 to 100 years or so. They’re wrong. Continue reading →